[Basic Details] Device Type=6 VID PID Type=1 USB VID=0403 USB PID=F020 [USB Power Options] Bus Powered=1 Self Powered=0 Max Bus Power=500 [USB Serial Number Control] Prefix=PU Use Fixed Serial Number=0 Fixed Serial Number=12345678 [USB Remote WakeUp] Enable Remote WakeUp=1 [Windows Plug and Play] Enable Plug and Play=1 [USB String Descriptors] Manufacturer=Pumpkin Product=CubeSat Kit /03F0 [Programming Options] Only Program Blank Devices=0 [BM Device Specific Options] USB Version Number=1 Disable Serial Number=0 IO Pin Pull Down in Suspend=1 [Dual Device Specific Options A] RS 232 mode=0 245 FIFO mode=0 245 CPU FIFO mode=0 OPTO Isolate mode=0 High Current Drive=0 [Dual Device Specific Options B] RS 232 mode=0 245 FIFO mode=0 245 CPU FIFO mode=0 OPTO Isolate mode=0 High Current Drive=0 [Dual Device Driver Options A] Virtual Com Port Driver=0 D2XX Driver=0 [Dual Device Driver Options B] Virtual Com Port Driver=0 D2XX Driver=0 [R Device Specific Options] Invert TXD=0 Invert RXD=0 Invert RTS#=0 Invert CTS#=0 Invert DTR#=0 Invert DSR#=0 Invert DCD#=0 Invert RI#=0 C0 Signal=3 C1 Signal=2 C2 Signal=0 C3 Signal=1 C4 Signal=5 Enable Ext Osc=0 High Current I/O=0 Load D2XX Driver=0 In EndPoint Size=0 [DualHS Device Specific Options] IFAIsFifo7=0 IFAIsFifoTar7=0 IFAIsFastSer7=0 AIsVCP7=0 IFBIsFifo7=0 IFBIsFifoTar7=0 IFBIsFastSer7=0 BIsVCP7=0 IOPinDriveDual=0 UTMIDrive=0 UTMIVendor=0 SuspendOnD7Low=0 [QuadHS Device Specific Options] AIsVCP8=0 BIsVCP8=0 CIsVCP8=0 DIsVCP8=0 ARIisTXDEN=0 BRIisTXDEN=0 CRIisTXDEN=0 DRIisTXDEN=0 IOPinDriveQuad=0